Thursday, May 26, 2011

just to clarify

In case anyone's just arriving here from listening to the West Michigan radio show that interviewed me this morning, I've relaunched this blog on Tumblr, as Camille has helpfully pointed out. You can ask new questions there. This space will remain active, and I might even return to it if Tumblr pisses me off too much, but that's where it's at for now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Dan. My name is Rick Borjas and I am a television producer for the Cristina Show on Telemundo, which is a division of NBC. Our program is like the Spanish version of Oprah. I am producing a show on Chubby Chasers this coming Wednesday the 8th of February and I wanted to invite you and your girlfriend to be our guests on this episode. Of course we would take care of all of your travel expenses including air fare, hotel, per diem, transportation etc. Can we chat about this opportunity? May I call you? I am on major deadline and would appreciate hearing from you ASAP. I can be reached via e mail at I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks
